The Power of Momentum 💨

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Hi reader,

It is easy to mistake speed for momentum.

Speed is going as quickly as possible.

It is leaving things in the wake.

Move fast, break things.

And it makes us feel good.

Real good.

Whether or not we’re going in the right direction 🧭

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Momentum is kind of the opposite of speed.

It can start slow.

In fact, the chances of it being sustainable are higher because of how it starts.

The moves are strategic.


And quickness becomes just a natural byproduct of momentum.

Because we are moving with intention 🎯

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It’s tough because the world admires momentum, but encourages speed.

Lean on a social media platform to build your community instead of connecting person to person.

Create a quick ragebaiting post rather than making a thoughtful commentary that will change culture.

Doing the superficial wins when the deeper conversations are right there for you to start.

When you look back on this month, this week, this moment, will you be proud of the momentum started now?

Or look at today’s speedy decision like a forgettable fast food run? 🍟

Struggling to stay motivated?

On today’s, we’ll talk about how to find your motivation, what causes us to feel stuck, and share tools to build and keep your momentum.

Bring your questions, feedback, and focus👇🏾

Wednesday, March 5th

1:11 pm

👉🏾 Join us

Move smart now so momentum can carry you when you’re tired 🌊

As you’ve seen in recent episodes, my office has been stacked with books lately! Shortform is one of my favorite companions for understanding books quickly and remembering the highlights from classics I may have forgotten. The service goes well beyond summaries, giving serious breakdowns, analysis, arguments, and even overarching themes connecting a book to other pieces of literature. It also showcases material related to your favorite book, like popular podcasts, articles and more. Shortform is a great way to sample new books you’re curious about or to go deeper on ones you already know super well.

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🙋🏾 I’m Damon! ( I help side hustlers, solopreneurs & others like yourself bloom. As a bestselling author, 2x startup founder & 4x TEDTalker, I co-founded the popular connection app Cuddlr and led it to acquisition within a year while being a stay at home dad with my infant son.

🫱🏼‍🫲🏿 Today, my boutique coaching business Bring Your Worth supports hundreds through one-on-one virtual and in-person support, as well as behind-the-scenes services for TED, HEROIC, and other impactful organizations. You can catch this free weekly newsletter as well as the 18,000-subscriber strong television show

🚀 Think coaching could help you get to the next level? Reach out and let’s chat.

📚 You can also grab my 27th book, The Complete Bring Your Worth Collection, everywhere books are read, heard, and sold.

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