Duty 🫡

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Hi reader,

I’ve been thinking a lot about duty.

It feels different than obligation, as that’s driven by guilt.

It also hits different than law, as that’s motivated by shame.

Perhaps it is how we show up, even when other people aren’t looking. Even when others will never find out.

Especially when others will never, ever know 🤫

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Seth Godin defines culture as “This is how we do things here.”

Duty is a kind of inner culture. The interior of your ethics. The quiet map of your purpose.

It is following through - in being your best - no matter what other people are doing.

Yes, it is sometimes upstream.

It is also more lonely than not.

But you save energy, as you don’t have to worry about switching up whenever the wind blows.

Or trying to remember how you acted around so-and-so because you put on a show.

Or forgetting your true values because they got mixed up with their values and family values and society’s values like some type of bouillabaisse 🥘 

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The biggest reward of duty is to yourself.

You know you showed up, no matter the encouragement otherwise.

Others see you for who you are — and can be mad, sad, or glad to know you — but they are connecting to the real you.

And the world is getting served an authenticity, a consistency, an unadulterated pride that you and only you can provide by doing your duty.

Besides, running from our duty, shirking our responsibilities, and avoiding the inner work may initially feel like freedom, but the bill always comes due.

And the pangs of regret when you weren’t being true to who you are cut deeper than any knife can dig 🔪

Ready to get your budget, taxes and investing together?

On BringYourWorth.tv Live, I share ways to improve your money, tools to help your taxes, and ways to invest in your future.

We’re live, so bring your questions, feedback, and budget 🕵🏽‍♂️

Wednesday, February 19th

1:11 pm PT

👉🏾 Join us

One of the resources I wish I had when I started writing (cough) decades ago was the Institute for Independent Journalists. I’ve known founder Katherine Reynolds Lewis for almost as long as I’ve been freelancing and have loved her new, inclusive take on what defines good, important journalism.

And the Institute for Independent Journalists is having its 2025 live, online freelance conference on Feb. 27-28!

Here’s the breakdown: Engage in 12 information-packed, interactive sessions on pitching, harnessing artificial intelligence, funding your journalism, podcasting, boosting your income, and more. On day one, keynote speaker and author Celeste Headlee will share her experiences working in mainstream media (NPR, PBS, WNYC), as well as independently. Learn directly from editors what they want in a pitch, including from Bloomberg, the New York Times, Washington Post, Economic Hardship Reporting Project, and more. Fellowship directors will explain how to get funding for an important journalism project. The best way to weather a storm is together.

Sign up now for 12 live, interactive sessions, delivering 15 hours of learning. Sign up now and get instant access to a bonus bundle with four recorded full-length editor panels, three recorded interviews with freelance experts and New York Times opinion editor Katie Kingsbury, a layoff recovery guide, tip sheets, freelance checklists, an income tracking worksheet and more.

And BringYourWorth.tv viewers get an exclusive discount! Register here and use the promo code DAMON to get an immediate price off the already early bird cost.


Feb. 27-28, 2025

10 am - 7 pm ET 

Rest today will make tomorrow brighter 🌞

As you’ve seen in recent BringYourWorth.tv episodes, my office has been stacked with books lately! Shortform is one of my favorite companions for understanding books quickly and remembering the highlights from classics I may have forgotten. The service goes well beyond summaries, giving serious breakdowns, analysis, arguments, and even overarching themes connecting a book to other pieces of literature. It also showcases material related to your favorite book, like popular podcasts, articles and more. Shortform is a great way to sample new books you’re curious about or to go deeper on ones you already know super well.

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🙋🏾 I’m Damon! (http://www.damonbrown.net) I help side hustlers, solopreneurs & others like yourself bloom. As a bestselling author, 2x startup founder & 4x TEDTalker, I co-founded the popular connection app Cuddlr and led it to acquisition within a year while being a stay at home dad with my infant son.

🫱🏼‍🫲🏿 Today, my boutique coaching business Bring Your Worth supports hundreds through one-on-one virtual and in-person support, as well as behind-the-scenes services for TED, HEROIC, and other impactful organizations. You can catch this free weekly newsletter as well as the 18,000-subscriber strong television show BringYourWorth.tv.

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