How big is your compost heap? ♻️

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Hi reader,

What does your compost heap look like?

When we first moved to Vegas, my family and I thought a lot about making the most of what we had: Easy on the excess, thoughtful on the expansion. I think a big part of it was that the kids, 4 and 7 at the time, were starting to become more overtly impressionable.

Were we going to be full and just toss out the remaining food on the plate in the trash?

Are we a family that only drinks plastic water bottles?

What model are we setting up for the next generations?

We became more conscious about recycling, food consumption, and even how we thought about composting.

In short, garbage is different than trash. Trash is the stuff unredeemable. Garbage is the stuff that needs to be transformed. It’s important to separate the two ♻️

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Each and every one of us has our own internal composting process.

Some things metabolize fast, like the anger for the person who cut you off in traffic or the sadness when your go-to restaurant is out of your favorite meal.

Some things take longer, like the healing from your loved one’s harsh words or your missed career opportunity because of bad timing.

And some things feel like they may never be fully transformed.

We sometimes get stuck.

Yet, I believe there are two beautiful aspects to how we process our compost.

First, I believe our mulching is a muscle. We flex it when we learn to forgive a little quicker. We get a rep in when we accept that all of us make mistakes - even ourselves. We bulk up when we trust that our past was not a waste, for it brought us to here, today.

We can get better at processing discomfort. We can get better at processing pain.

Second, I view our composting process as a layered journey, not a finalized destination.

As I talk about in Build From Now, some of my biggest traumas, from my father leaving to my significant communication challenges in school, happened when I was very young. So young, I could only process the proverbial first layer of their impact.

And then, as I entered adulthood, the second layer of those challenges came back to be resolved.

And again, years later, when I became a father myself.

The dance is never really over, but you can learn to catch the rhythm faster.

It is just like the bananas may compost first, then the apples may take a little longer, and then, finally, the pumpkins, grapefruits, and denser items.

They all eventually get digested, though. It is just a matter of time, patience, and persistence.

So, what are you composting now? ♻️

🙋🏾 I’m Damon! ( I help side hustlers, solopreneurs & others like yourself bloom. As a bestselling author, 2x startup founder & 4x TEDTalker, I co-founded the popular connection app Cuddlr and led it to acquisition within a year while being a stay at home dad with his infant son.

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